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Jamee Ahmad

Assistant Professor
MBA in International Management,FedUni (Australia)
BBA in HRM (AIUB, Dhaka)

Room # 814 | Ext # 822
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Jamee Ahmad joined as a faculty at College of Business Administration in IUBAT in 2014, after completing his MBA in International Management from Federation University Australia & BBA in HRM from American International University Bangladesh (AIUB). Researches on Employee satisfaction, Job training and development interests him the most, Economic & business review preparation are one of the mostly done activities by him. He is currently perusing Ph.D. in Shaanxi Normal University in China with full scholarship. He has published several research papers on different topics of Human Resources Management. Socio economic situation analysis, business, human life and social welfare are his other interest area that he likes to discuss. In IUBAT he usually takes HRM, Management & Basic business courses.

MBA in International Management,FedUni (Australia)
BBA in HRM (AIUB, Dhaka)

  • Leadership & Change Management
  • Management Process
  • Introduction to Business
  • HRM
  • Business Communication
  • Strategic Management
  • ART 202-Career Planning and Development II
  1. Leadership in Bangladesh Corporate Culture: A Research on the Changes in Organizational Leadership& Culture in Bangladesh - 2015 nizational_leadership_culture_in_Bangladesh 2. Analysis on Effective Training Program and Post Training Evaluation: A Study based on Bangladeshi Super shops- 2018 fective_Training_Program_and_Post_Training_Evaluation_A_Study_ based_on_Bangladeshi_Super_shops_1
  1. Impact of Work Environment on Part-Time Employee Satisfaction of International Fast-Food Chains in Dhaka -2018 nment_on_Part-Time_Employee_Satisfaction_of_International_FastFood_Chains_In_Dhaka
  1. Analyzing the Employee Satisfaction and Demand vs Fulfillment of the Food and Beverage Sector in Bangladesh 2018
  1. Financing for Higher Education in Developing Nations Due to COVID-19 - 2020 Developing_Nations_Due_to_COVID19/links/5fd86c2345851553a0ba19cc/Financing-for-HigherEducation-in-Developing-Nations-Due-to-COVID-19.pdf
  1. Disparities in Maternal and Newborn Health Interventions in Bangladesh: Evidence from the latest Demographic and Health Survey -2020 ewborn_Heal.pdf&Expires=1700849100&Signature=KZ7DtMjVc09~ JF7uULQ19TgQBoQYnumDAidXkbn6C6wviuA~vaEzZeRJuG0vW MX2HbOAXdTqmH9U2r2XIvkjzxacDEg8eC2nb2BWOsnqMiCbwZzr57SGB8G6TLqILmKj~jpaQdAwvXvmb3WBOUl~- HtBpO9-t9aO2dQnCuPRabsUqWyLFxbSF3wYlCBXegsUBPHnyEuLyhkteJeW02OCtpZvE9pvY7kwivQZlTaZaH66zUYBE4bPoQ7r0dAo~kChgBTvk0pzt4B5dFpWynQ PySAqMW8VeRA8lkDWnvrSzQ5ikX88qe-oIfDaP55LKawZwRdIcSjoJkl~OxGW1Q__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA
  1. Investment and Development for Tourism and Hospitality Revenue Collection in Bangladesh
  2. COVID-19 Lockdown Issue: A Study on Daily Expenditure 2022
  3. Social Media Addiction and Emotions During the Disaster Recovery Period?–The Moderating Role of Post-COVID Timing 2022

Teaching-Learning, Curriculum and Quality Assurance, Bangladesh (2016), organized by Graduate Training Institute (GTI), Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU)