Nayma Iftekhar
Assistant Professor
MPM (KDI School of Public Policy and Management (South Korea),
Room # 1013 Ext # 292
E-mail: iftakhar.nayma@iubat.edu
Nayma Iftakhar joined as a Lecturer at College of Business Administration (CBA), IUBAT in 2018. She is now serving as an Assistant Professor at the CBA. Prior to joining here, she worked with renowned academia and different INGOs. She holds Master of Public Management from KDI (Korea Development Institute) School of Public Policy and Management, South Korea (with full Scholarship: “Global Ambassador Scholarship (GAS)” for pursuing this Masters) and Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) from IUBAT. Moreover, she successfully completed Diploma in Modern Human Resource Management from Saylor Foundation, USA. Her research interests have been on human resource management, public administration, governance and leadership, innovation & reform, and organizational management. She has good number of publications in the peer reviewed scholarly journals. Noted that she is one of the contributors from Bangladesh in World Public Sector Report 2018 published by United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. She participated a number of programs in the home and abroad, notably Doha OIC Youth Forum 2019 Qatar organized by Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). She has been awarded and recognized in form of scholarships and other distinctions for academic excellences. She has been working as a Trainer in different organizations in Bangladesh and affiliated in different societies at national and international level working for business and sustainability.
Master of Public Management (MPM), Korea Development Institute, KDI School of Public Policy and Management, South Korea
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), International University of Business Agriculture and Technology (IUBAT), Bangladesh
Diploma in Modern Human Resource Management, Saylor Foundation, USA
International Business, Business Communication, HR, Training and Development, Introduction to Business, Career Planning and Development, Management of Organization, Educational Planning
Peer reviewed:
- Nayma Iftakhar, “Can Affective Commitment Mediate the Job-Hopping Behaviour? – Case of Private Sector Employees in Bangladesh”, Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management (Scopus Indexed) – Under Review
- Nayma Iftakhar, Bahauddin, Khalid Md, Hossain, “Exploring the Situation of Health, Safety and Wellbeing among Lead Acid Storage Battery Workers: Cases from Selected Battery Industries in Bangladesh. International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development (IJSESD). (Accepted and In Press). Scopus Indexed.
- Nayma Iftakhar, Khalid Md. Bahauddin, 2019, “Exploring the Perception and Observation of Youth on Leadership: A Case Study of Dhaka City, Bangladesh”, International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development (IJSESD), (Accepted and In Press). Scopus Indexed.
- Khalid Md. Bahauddin, Nayma Iftakhar, 2018, “Climate-Induced Migration in Bangladesh: Assessing the Current Situation, Gap of Government Responses and Way forward with Policy Implications”, World Public Sector Report,2018 (WPSR 2018), Public Administration and Development Management, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA).
- Bahauddin Khalid Md., Iftakhar Nayma, 2017. "Exploring the Leadership Skill and Challenge in Responding Natural Disaster: Lesson Learning from Leaders Involved in Emergency Response of Bangladesh," Management of Sustainable Development, Sciendo, vol. 9(2), pages 31-34, December. Indexed by Index Copernicus/ICI.
- Khalid Md. Bahauddin, Nayma Iftakhar, 2014, “Prospect and Potential of Green Jobs towards Green Economy in Bangladesh: A Situation Analysis and Way forward”, International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development (IJSESD). DOI: 10.4018/ijsesd.2014070103. Scopus Indexed.
- Bahauddin, Iftakhar Nayma, T. Salahuddin, 2012, “Impact of Solar Home System to Meet Energy Crisis and Contribute to Poverty Alleviation in Rural Areas of Bangladesh”, Proceedings of International Conference on the Developments in Renewable Energy Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh, pp. 370-375. Indexed by IEEE
Article in Media
- “Advancing Sustainable Development Goals through Business Leadership”, The Daily Sun, 18th October, 2019.
- “Why Leadership is Essential for Achieving Sustainable Development Goals”, International Policy Digest, 10 January, 2018.
- Awarded fellowship/grant to attend “OIC Youth Forum 2019” by Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and hosted by Ministry of Culture and Sports of the State of Qatar.
- Awarded Full Scholarship: “Global Ambassador Scholarship (GAS)” for pursuing Masters in KDI School of Public Policy and Management, Republic of Korea.
- Awarded for “Academic Excellence” by IUBAT, Bangladesh.
- Full Scholarship for pursuing BBA at IUBAT, Bangladesh.
- Member, Action for Sustainable Development (A4SD).
- Member, United Nations Major Group for Children and Youth (UNMGCY).
- Member, International Society for Development and Sustainability (ISDS).
- Member, Nizla Society for Human Resource and Health Development.
- Member, Silcreation: Better World Initiative
- Member, NET IMAPCT